Legal notices



Important note concerning data processing in connection with Google Analytics.


Responsable for publication

The website is the property of OG-TECH. It presents to the users browsing the site a certain amount of information related to the services designed and identified by the editor
You are currently connected to the website which is edited by OG TECH.
– Corporate name: Oil & Gas Technologies
– Legal representative: François Guerrero
– SARL with a capital of : 15 000 euros
– RCS : Aix en Provence 539 185 983
– CE VAT ID: FR 26 539185 983
– Head office : Espace Wagner, Bat C, Rdc G, 10 rue du Lieutenant Parayre, 13290 Aix-en-Provence, FRANCE 
– Director of the publication : François Guerrero

Identification of the host

This site is hosted by the company domiciled at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France. This host has to date the personal identification details of the person responsible for the publication of the site.


The Site constitutes a work of which OG-TECH is the author within the meaning of articles L111.1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. The data, information, images, videos, illustrations, all other media and their formatting appearing on the site are the property of OG-TECH and are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.
All users agree not to use them or allow anyone else to use them for illegal purposes. Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on any support, and by any process whatsoever – in particular by way of framing or inline linking – of any of the elements of the Site, without the prior and express agreement of the Director of publication is prohibited, and constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which may lead to civil and/or penal condemnation. The creation of hypertext links to the site” is subject to the prior agreement of the Director of Publication. The hypertext links established towards other sites from ” ” cannot, in any case, engage the responsibility of OG-TECH. An exception is made for the reproduction of extracts from articles on this site, via RSS feeds that may be made available to readers, on condition that a hypertext link refers to the original source.


The website is the property of OG-TECH. It presents users browsing the site with a certain amount of information related to the services designed and implemented by OG-TECH . All users accept all the provisions of this site charter and undertake to respect them. The user agrees to use the information contained on the site for personal and non-commercial purposes.
OG-TECH is under no obligation to make the Website available and cannot be held responsible for any unavailability, total or partial, of the Website, at any time and for any length of time, whatever the reason.
OG-TECH cannot guarantee the exhaustiveness of the information on the Website. In the same way, OG-TECH cannot guarantee the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus). The user is solely responsible for the use he or she makes of the content of the site. Except in the case of serious misconduct on the part of the OG-TECH website, OG-TECH cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information provided on the website. It is reminded that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the network and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from the contamination of any virus circulating on the Internet.


This site is hosted by the company domiciled at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France. This host has to date the personal identification details of the person responsible for the publication of the site.


Registration and connection to the OG-TECH website results in the recording of connection information (IP address, pseudonym, e-mail address and website); this data is intended for internal use only, for the identification and qualification of the website’s customers. Under no circumstances will this data be transferred or sold to third parties. Customer opinions, questions asked or comments that may be recorded on this site also give rise to the recording of connection information (IP address, pseudonym, e-mail address and, if applicable, website), which is not used in any way. Moreover, in accordance with articles 38 and 40 of the law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004, you have a right of access, of correction, of suppression of the data concerning you. Contact us if you wish to make use of this right –


For any additional request, or to exercise your right of access to your personal data, please go to our contact page.


These terms of use and any dispute relating to the website and its content are subject to French law.


This website was created using the open-source solution WordPress.
Graphic design : L’Agence HULKETTE –
Animations : PI HDPLAN –